All about Standard Grippers
Standard Grippers are the grippers you have always wanted. This line features simple, handmade grippers with oil-tempered springs and carefully honed specifications to meet your training needs. The grippers are 100% made in America, from the design to the parts to the assembly.
- Attention to the details that matter
- Built to consistently service "dead zones"
- 9 different strengths for all levels of training
Attention to the details that matter
Standard grippers were designed for simplicity and durability. All components are handmade in the USA by small businesses. The grippers feature oil-tempered springs with no coating or polishing that adds cost. The aluminum handles are knurled and beveled and that's all. For knurling, we felt the sharper the better! If you prefer smoother knurling, it can always be knocked down to your preference.
Built to consistently service "dead zones"
As we discussed in our article "Why set a gripper," there are only a few variables that affect the difficulty of a gripper. The first is wire size and only certain stock is available to manufacturers. Once you have turned that wire into a spring, the other variables for a gripper are coil diameter, mounting depth and spread. Standard Grippers have a slightly larger coil diameter than other brands, which serves to shift all the strengths downward slightly. Grippers that would have been rated at 145 to 155 lbs. (where there is already an abundance of choices) are shifted downward to 135 to 145 lbs. The major "dead zones" we hope to service are 90-95, 135-140, 160-165 and 190-195 lbs. Like every other brand, Standard Grippers have dead zones too, just in different ranges that are already populated with great choices.
9 different strengths for all training levels
Standard Grippers are not novel nor do they represent any new innovation. They are simply well-built workhorses that give you more choices--9 more choices to be exact! We also got a little brainy and named them after increasingly hard metals. Each gripper is stamped with the chemical symbol for that metal. The choices range from Tin at the bottom, which is more soft and malleable but has endless utility to shape your training, to Tungsten at the top, which is such a hard metal it's virtually indestructible and has the highest melting point of all metals. The full list is displayed in the following chart, along with the chemical symbols and average rating in pounds:
It's time to brave the elements and test your mettle against Standard Grippers! Shop the full Standard Grippers collection here >