Beginner Bending Kit

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Catch the short steel bending bug!

Buy now. Cost of steel is steadily rising. 

Everyone who starts bending short steel will tell you it is addictive. But where to start? There is a steep learning curve regarding from, "how to" and steel progression, but Devin Hoover at EatChalkGetBig has taken out all the guesswork. He meticulously assembled the Beginner Bending Kit to be a warm welcome into the bending community.  

The Beginner Kit has everything you need to start bending

Suede wraps (currently TAN)
Leather wraps 
Beginner polycarbonate trainer
10x 40d nails (5" nails)
10x timber ties (twisted 6" nails)
10x 60d nails (6" nails)
5x grade 5 bolts (silver bolt)
5x grade 8 bolts (yellow/gold bolt)
5x 1/4" x 6" O1 drill rod  certification bar
10x thick rubber bands

Join the community

The EatChalkGetBig website is a treasure trove of bending resources. There are podcast links, steel wrapping tutorials, information about rating steel difficulty, a collection of articles from community all-stars, steel progression charts and more. CHECK OUT THE RESOURCE PAGE.